Key Developments in Gastroenterology
John Wiley and Sons
P. R. Salmon
195 pagini
An: 1988
Management applications of system theory
Birkhauser Verlag AG
Constantin Virgil Negoita
152 pagini
An: 1979
Personality: Theory, Research, and Applications
Charles R. Potkay, Bem P. Allen
560 pagini
An: 1986
Clinical Applications of cardiac Digital Angiography
Raven Press New York
G. B. John Mancini
321 pagini
An: 1988
Processing and synthesis of hydrogeological data
Alexandru Gheorghe
385 pagini
An: 1972
The Personality of Romanian Literature - A Synthesis
Constantin Ciopraga
357 pagini
An: 1981
Soil Physical Quality - theory and applications for Arable Soils
166 pagini
An: 2010
Monoclonal Antibodies: Basic Principles, Experimental and Clinic Applications in Endocrinology
Raven Press New York
Gianni Forti
319 pagini
An: 1986
Agentia Thompson and Co
Ion Creanga
Jules Verne
296 pagini
An: 1983